Showing posts with label BLOGGER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BLOGGER. Show all posts

Sunday, 7 October 2012

How to Add Facebook Comment Box to Blogger Blogs

Bloggers that wish to be successful in their blogging career cannot separate their blog from Facebook since it is one of the top channels to increase blog traffic.


Facebook comment box is a useful tool for bloggers to increase & improve conversations and drive more traffic since the post commented on by your blog visitors will be shown on the visitor’s wall on Facebook.

Today, I want to share a simple process that will enable bloggers to add Facebook Comment box to their blogs without any ado.

How to Apply Facebook Comment Box on Blogger Blog

Step:1 ==> Create a Facebook App ID

1. You need a Facebook App Id. Go to Facebook Developers Page to create one.

2. Click on "+ Create New App" a window will pop out, so enter your blog Name and click on "Continue" as shown in the image below:

3. A new app id will be given to you like the one you're seeing below, so note down your APP ID.

Step:2 ==> Add Comment Box Code To Blog Templates

1. Go to your Dashboard >> Templates >> Edit HTML and Expand Widget Templates checkbox.

2.Use CTRL + F key on your computer keyboard to search for <html and replace it with the code below.
<html xmlns:fb=''

3. Search for <body> tag in you template and add the code below after it.
<div id='fb-root'/>
    window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
      appId  : &#39;YOUR_APP_ID&#39;,
      status : true, // check login status
        cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access the   session
      xfbml  : true  // parse XFBML
    (function() {
    var e = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
      e.src = document.location.protocol +   &#39;//;;
    e.async = true;

4. Replace YOUR_APP_ID with the App ID you note in Step 1 above.

5. Search for </head> tag and add the open graph meta tags below above the </head> tag
<meta expr:content='data:blog.pageTitle' property='og:title'/>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.url' property='og:url'/> 
<meta content='Ideas And Reviews' property='og:site_name'/> 
<meta content='YOUR_BLOG_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK' property='og:image'/> 
<meta content='YOUR_APP_ID' property='fb:app_id'/> 
<meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> 
<meta content='article' property='og:type'/>

Now Make the Following Changes on the Code above:
Replace Ideas Ans Reviews with your blog name.
Replace YOUR_BLOG_LOGO_IMAGE_LINK with your blog logo image url.
Replace YOUR_APP_ID with your app id.
Replace with your Facebook page url.

6. Search for the any of these tag:
<p class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>
Add the code below after any of the tags above and save your template.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div style='padding:0px 0px 0px 0px; margin:0px 0px 0px 0px;'><script src=''/>
<div> <fb:comments  colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.url' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:xid='' width='520'/></div>
<div style='color:#fff; background-color:#3B5998;border: solid 1px #ddd; font-size:10px; padding:3px;'>Facebook Blogger Plugin by <b><a alt='blogger templates' href='' style='text-decoration:underline; color:#fff;' target='_blank' title='blogger templates'></a></b> | <b><a alt='Facebook-Comment-Box-widgets' href='' style='text-decoration:underline; color:#fff;' target='_blank' title='Blogger Widgets'>Get Widget</a></b></div></div>
  •  If you want to use the dark scheme then simply replace light with dark
  • To change the Comments box size, change this value width='520'

You can keep Facebook Comment box and Blogger default comment box. But in case you want to make Facebook comment box your default comment box, go to Settings > Posts and Comments and set the Show Comments option to Hide and Save the Settings.


10 Awesome Cursors for Bloggers

You can make your Blog stand out among others by changing your blog mouse cursor so that whenever anybody reaches your blog, their computer default mouse will change to the one you have configured with your blog.


Here are 10 awesome cursors that can be used on blogger blogs. You only have to follow a few steps to get it working on your blog. Follow the instructions below.

Steps to Install a New Cursor to your Blog

1. Login to your blog “Dashboard” ==> “Templates” ==> tick “Edit HTML”.
2. Now search for the closing head tag i.e. </head>.
3. Finally, copy and paste the code of the mouse that you love best before/above </head> tag.

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a> 

<style type="text/css">body, a:hover {cursor: url(, progress;}</style><a href="" target="_blank" title="Blogger Widgets"><img src="" border="0" alt="Blogger Widgets" style="position:absolute; top: 0px; right: 0px;" /></a>

Add Pinterest Pin It Button With Counter To Blogger

Add Pinterest Pin It Button With Counter To Blogger
In case you are unfamiliar, Pinterest is an online pinboard that allows users to share images they find over the web -by “pinning” them on their boards. The pinned image is linked to the original webpage or blog post location, giving users the chance to visit the source directly.

A Pin It button is what Like button is to Facebook or Tweet button is to Twitter, as it allows users to share your posts without having to leave your blog. It also displays how many times a blog post has been shared.

Now let's see how to add this Printerest Pin It button to blogger.

How To Add Pinterest Pin It Button With Counter To Blogger?

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
2. Back up your template.
3. Check the Expand Widget Templates checkbox.
4. Search (Ctrl + F) for the following code tag in your HTML.


There are two instances of the tag present in your template. Locate the the first (from top) one.

5. Copy and paste the following code immediately below/after it:

<!-- Pinterest Button Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='pin-wrapper' style='margin:5px 10px 5px 0; text-align: left;'>
<a class='pin-it-button' count-layout='horizontal' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url'>Pin It</a>
<a href='javascript:void(run_pinmarklet())' style='margin-left:-93px; width:43px; height:20px; display:inline-block;'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function run_pinmarklet() {
    var e=document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
    e.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;,&#39;; + Math.random()*99999999);
<!-- Pinterest Button End -->

6. Save.

Button configuration:
  • You can customize the layout of Pin It button & counter by changing the value of count-layout attribute in step 5. Refer to the table below for the available types and their settings.

Button type

count-layout value

margin-left (in line 5) value
pinterest pin-it button vertical

pinterest pin-it button horizontal

pinterest pin-it button no count


Button repositioning:

The steps above positioned the button on bottom left of each post. You can change the position if you wish:
  • Position it on top of post
  • Place the button code before <data:post.body/>, instead of after.
  • Position it on the right
  • Change the float in the code from left to right.

Add SCM Music Player To Your Blog

SCM Music Player
Putting music on Blog is not something very commendable, but there are models that players may be worth by being discreet, easy to customize and will not begin playing automatically. SCM Music Player is a great model that can be incorporated both in Blogger, Tumblr or, running audio from any tab, including links to YouTube videos, creating playlists customized and unique to your blog.

How To Add SCM Music Player To Your Blog?

Step 1: Get SCM Music Player Code

1. Go to
2. Choose Skin
3. Edit Playlist
4. Configure Settings
5. Select Done to proceed.

Step 2: Add SCM Music Player Code To Blogger

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Layout > Add HTML/Javascript.
2. Paste SCM Music Player Code into the Html/Javascript box.
3. Save it.

Add Facebook Like box or Button To Blogger

Add Facebook Like Button To Blogger
As we all know facebook is one of the largest social media company in the word.If your blog have any fan page then it will help you a lot in increasing traffic on your blog. The Facebook like button is probably the most important and the most used social button on the world wide web today. With its recent upgrade (Facebook sort of merged it with the share to Facebook button, so liking a web page or content you just found would automatically be posted/shared on your Facebook wall, instead of just the normal you liked this __ link wall status), it became a more powerful tool for sharing content. So why not add it to your blogger blogs. It’s simple. Here’s how:

How To Add Facebook Like Button To Blogger?

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.
2. Tick the Expand Widget Templates check box on top right of the HTML window.
3. Find (Ctrl + F) the following code in your HTML.


4. Copy and paste the Facebook button code immediately below (after) it:

<!-- Facebook Like Button Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;static_page&quot;'>
<div style='float:left;padding:5px 5px 5px 0;'>
<iframe allowTransparency='true' expr:src='&quot;; + 
data:post.url + &quot;&amp;layout=standard&amp;show_faces=false&amp;
height=35&quot;' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' style='border:none; 
overflow:hidden; width:440px; height:35px;'/>
<!-- Facebook Like Button End -->

5. Save it.

Configure button:
  • Choose the type of button and set the appropriate width and height by changing the values of query parameters in the above code.
Like button type Query Value Width & Height
 standard like button layout standard
W: 450px
H: 35px (80px w photos)
facebook like button count button_count
W: 90px
H: 20px
facebook like box count box_count
H: 65px
standard like button dark colorscheme dark
standard like button recommend action recommend

Button repositioning:
The steps above positioned the button on bottom left of each post. You can change the position if you wish:
  • Position it on top of post
  • Place the button code before <data:post.body/>, instead of after.
  • Position it on the right
  • Change the float in the code from left to right.

Saturday, 22 September 2012

Add Email Subscription Form For Blogger

Many visitors on the blog subscribe to the blogs to remain updated with their content. So they can know whats going on the blogs. Google Feed Burner provides us a very simple subscription email form for our blog. Today every blog we see has a stylish email subscription form hanging on their blogs. So don't get bored by a simple subscription form and follow the steps below to add a stylish email subscription form to your blog's sidebar.

1. Login to your Blogger account.
2. Go to Design tab and then Page Elements.
3. Then click Add a Gadget and select HTML / Javascript.
4. Now add the following code in the big text field.

<div style="border: 2px dotted #000; padding: 5mm;"> <center>
<img src="" 
border="0" width="250px" height="140" /></center>
<div style="text-align: justify; font-size: 13px; font-family: sans-serif; font-weight: bold; color: rgb(102, 102, 102);">
Subscribe This Blog Via Email and Receive Our Articles To Your Inbox</div>
<form action="" style="padding: 5px;" target="popupwindow" method="post" onsubmit="'http://feedburner.googlejavascript:void(0).com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=IdeasandReviews', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true">
<input style="width: 150px;height:20px;" class="ft00" name="email" type="text" /><input value="IdeasandReviews" name="uri" type="hidden" />
<input value="en_US" name="loc" type="hidden" />  
<input onmouseover="this.className=&#39;ft fthov&#39;" onmouseout="this.className=&#39;ft&#39;" class="ft"
 value="Subscribe Me!!" type="submit" />

3. Now change the red code with your feed name and save your widget.

You can also change the subscribe button text by changing the code in the blue.

Add Facebook Send and Like Button Under Posts In Blogger


  Add Facebook Like and Send Button To Blogger Posts
1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Your Blog > Template > Edit HTML
2. Backup your template.
3. Check the box of expand widget template.
4. Search for <data:post.body/>.
5. Now if you want to add the plugin at the end of posts, then add the following code below <data:post.body/>. If you want to add the plugin just below post titles, then add the below code before <data:post.body/>.
<div id="fb-root"></div><script src=""></script><fb:like href="" send="true" layout="button_count" width="450" show_faces="false" font=""></fb:like>
6. Now save your template and you're done !

Add Facebook Like, Tweet, +1 and Share Button Below Post Title

1. Go to Addthis.
2. Now on the left side, you will see many widgets. Select Facebook Like, Tweet and +1 buttons' widget as pointed in the image below.
3. Now copy the code in the filed at the right side of the widget you selected.
4. Now go to Blogger > Template > Edit HTML.
5. Check the box of expand widget template.
6. Search for <data:post.body/>.
7. Now place the copied code just before it and save your template.
Note: Your buttons will appear only on blogger post pages.

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Optimizing Google AdSense Ads On Your Blog

Top Tips For Optimizing Google AdSense Ads On Your Blog

Google AdSense

Setting up Google AdSense is the dream for many bloggers, especially beginners. The reason for this is, most people either don't know about, or don't have any alternate sources of income for their blogs. Hence, AdSense has become their go-to place when it comes to making a living online. A lot of people have asked me this; how to use AdSense correctly and earn more money through it? Indeed, when you think about it, it's no piece of cake. It requires much thinking and effort to do it correctly. From choosing the right colors to reducing you bounce rate, there's indeed a lot that can be done. In this post, I'll hopefully address some of the problems that people face.

Before starting off...

Patience, my friend. Some people, especially beginners, seem eager to set up AdSense ads. Too eager, in fact. So much so that they set up ads merely weeks after setting up their blogs, if they get approved, that is. What most fail to understand is, a high traffic is the key to AdSense. You can only benefit from these ads if you have a decent amount of traffic flowing. Prematurely setting up ads may do more harm than good. Not only will you generate little income, you existing traffic will stall as well. Why? Well,think about why Wikipedia is the leading source of information. It has no ads! Even if they were to start advertising now, it wouldn't make much of a difference. But sites that start anew, but incorporate ads from the very start lost their credibility.
Secondly, earning online is a game of patience, where the impatient often tend to lose. Rushing into things will make things messy. The messier they are, the harder it is to extricate oneself from them. So being patient might pay off. Besides patience, you need to have determination, and the will power to work hard every day. And be ready to accept what you are getting. You need to make sure that you have a similar mind-set before setting up ads on your website.

Optimizing your AdSense Ads

The "Above-The-Fold" strategy
'Above-the-fold' refers to the visible part of a newspaper or magazine that is lying folded on a shelf or a table. In other words, its the area where the eyes first snap to. When a visitor lands on your page, he/she first looks at the top, left side of your website. Normally, this is where your page header and/or site navigation lies. If possible, use an ad banner directly below your header. People need to see your ads if they are going to click on them.
Don't use any other major ad blocks in this region, though. Your site should not look cluttered with ad banners right from the top. A banner at the top and a smaller block in the sidebar is the maximum you should use. If your site looks cluttered with ads, your bounce rate may increase alarmingly, which should not be allowed.
A word about ad units
Opinion from various bloggers shows that the most popular ad blocks are; 330x250 for images, 336x280 for text ads, and 160x600 for side-bar banners. Use these different ad block sizes for the best performance.
Ad placement
Aside from using ads in the above the fold region, you can place ads in other key areas. For example, above your posts as on this very page. Don't place ads in the middle of your content though. This is very annoying, even to a blogger-sympathetic person like me :P.
Multiple ad units?
Also, use a reasonable number of ad blocks. Don't use too many ads blocks. Google AdSense puts a limit on this number in the first place. But that doesn't mean you have to cap that limit. Just don't use so many ads that your website looks cluttered.
Colors - very important!
Most people over-look the importance of this simple point. Try out different color schemes with your ads. Contrasting colors are generally preferred. Some people try to fool their audience by using the same ad colors as their blog theme, and putting the ads hidden between their content. This does not fare well with the audience. Your ads must be clearly visible. Don't try to mess with the ads though. Adding stuff like borders won't make Google happy.

Follow the rules!
Google AdSense has some very strict rules and terms of services. Make sure you read them and adhere to them. In case of any violation, your account might get banned, which is one of Google's favorite things to do. Don't give them any reason. Don't click on your own ads, don't over-use ad blocks, don't use pop-up ads, etc.
Use images
People search for images almost as much as they search for text. Therefore, it is highly likely that visitors would stumble upon your ads through an image search. Upload high quality images to your log to increase your traffic and generating more income.
Don't try to be smart :)
You might be smart,but Google is smarter. It isn't the leading analytics provider without a reason. Using dynamic IPs and proxys to click on your own ads can still land you in trouble. Asking your friends to click daily won't do much good either. Google carefully monitors the click-through rate to audience ratio from a particular country. So if you are planning to out smart Google, forget it. You will most likely end up in trouble.
And in the end...
...look at the picture below and learn something from it :)
Be persistent, and determined.  Otherwise, you're not going anywhere. Good luck with your online career. Cheers :)


Increase Blog Traffic Tremendously

Tips To Increase Blog Traffic Tremendously

Tips To Increase Blog Traffic Inorganically
The success of a Blog totally depends on the traffic following it. It’s important to identify the significance of building a considerable traffic and then maintaining it because it is your blog’s traffic that decides the future of your blogging career. I have been observing newbie Bloggers Trend closely since the day I started my blogging career. The reason why most of the bloggers find their blogs going nowhere is that they serve 40% of their time in searching from where to get the contents, 20% on manipulating it,20% graphics and layout, etc. and only 20% on bringing traffic and increasing viewership. However you need to know that no matter how masterpiece articles you produce, if there is no traffic to read it, you have simply wasted your time in writing it!

Therefore, in order to enhance your earnings with your blog, you need to follow the examples that professional bloggers have left for you. We experimented whatever we learnt throughout as a blogger on our sister blog,, and the result is in front of you.
Here are 50 best Tips to Drive huge traffic to your blog.

1. Outline your Objectives

Just like any other business to start, you must figure out what your actual target is. You need to understand yourself whom to target to. Once you know who can be your potential readers and from where to get them from, you can then apply the remaining tips to increase your blog traffic-and your earning!

2. Offer Quality posts

No other good example can make the point clearer here, to keep your living room attractive; you need attractive furniture too, isn’t it? Now, the quality of your content reflects your entire blog, further attracting readers to stay connected.

3. Comment on blogs and come in limelight

comment on different blogs
You must accept the fact that when you are planning to make money online, then you must interact with readers on different blogs having same niche. As having expertise in your niche, you can always leave your suggestions on other blogs, this highly attracts readers of that blog to learn more about you.

4. Optimize your Blog for search engines

Although majority of the newbie Bloggers find this one as the toughest part of the story, it’s the most important one, to be accurate enough. Try learning more about how to make your posts SEO friendly.

5. Use Forums

Have your heard of “out of sight – out of mind policy”?, if not then better start considering it. as a blogger, you need to achieve some popularity- enough to drag people to your blog to know more from you. Join forums and take part actively. Don not forget to add your blog signatures (link) in the end of your comments

6. Say Yes to Guest posting

guest posting
Guest posting is an effective way to get back links for your blog. while you offer guest posts on blogs, having huge traffic, you are actually introducing your existence, asking them to come and visit your blog-thus follow you!

7. Using trackbacks:

You can always take the help of trackbacks that are widely available on internet, one of them being copyblogger. Its do wonders in increasing your blog traffic

8. play with List Series

About 70% of the total net users are not bloggers. You need to keep self inviting posts to attract readers and the best results are achieved with list series, where you provide quality information in terms of lists like, Top series, Best series, etc. Readers hardly find long, dry piece of information without having any sense of attraction in the content

9. “top 10” posts

Show versatility and produce top 10 Series, readers look for them

10. “Top 50” posts

Too much material to make it as a top 50? Go ahead; it would bring more readers, generating more traffic.

11. Best 100

Large Numbers increase your credibility. If you are sure to share a lot of interesting information, it’s better to split the post in two or three parts, like 100 ways to earn money-part1 and similarly for other parts.

12. Share your secrets- earn more secrets

Talk about the strategy that works best for you. People are in search of working formulas and there are possibilities they get what they are looking for on your blog.

13. Write Link bait posts

“Link bait” basically is the type of work others will want to link to.

14. Create a mailing list

Use email marketing for promotion of your blog traffic.

15. Try to Get a hold of Media

Publicity of your blog via media can generate huge traffic for your blog.

16. Technorati

Submit your blog to technorati,

17. Write tutorials – become authentic

Writing tutorials for a tutorial site is again a great idea. You can tutor people in your domain and can increase your own blog traffic by leaving a link there.

18. secret bloggers club

Help other so that they help you. Bloggers here retweet their posts and share traffic.

19. Ping Your Blog

ping your blog after writing your posts, e.g. pingomatic.

20. Take help of blogging communities

There are communities that are administered by professional bloggers like MMO Social Network and BlogEngage.


Blog carnivals is a good platform to get traffic from. A Must join site.

22. Create videos

Create videos related to your niche and promote your blog with them.

23. Your site- Your Identity

Just as Mr.Mustafa did, professional bloggers recommend to Include your blog URL as signature in your email.

24. Use Social Media

Use social media to promote your blog like advertising your blog with Facebook Ads. It does wonders.

25. Offer Contests

Starting contests on your blog bring more real targeted subscribers.

26. Advertise with Google Adwords

Advertise your blog using Google Adwords.

27. feed directories

Submit your blogs to these feed directories

28. Free Press release

Free press release websites are in search of press releases. Write it for your blog and submit to them

29. Use Newspaper

Ready for some investment? Advertise your blog on your local newspaper

30. Stay updated

Visit big blogs like techcrunch and mashable to keep a check on the latest happenings so that you can share them quickly with your readers too.

31. Do Video Posting

Entertain your readers by sharing video posts as reading big articles sometimes become too boring.

32. Interview ProBloggers

Give importance to professional bloggers by interviewing them. this will bring their followers on your blog too

33. Use Pictures

Images you use are equally important as the words of your post. choose them wisely.

34. Use Google News

Get your blog listed in Google news.

35. Target Celebrities

Your readers have an other side of the personality too. They always take ken interest in the news your share about celebrities. do focus on that as well.

36. Television

Publicizing your blog on local television is the best way to attract maximum customers. This method is very fruitful if one has the best resources.

37. Radio

With the rejuvenation of the radio channels, marketers now tend to advertise their blog on these channels by making live calls, sending text messages regarding your blog or through different deals with the radio organization.

38. Twitter

Twitter welcomes all kinds of bloggers to market their blog as tweets using #hashtags.

39. Online yellow pages.

The Online yellow pages can be also used to make your blogs available to your readers.

40. Like, tweet, Google+, etc.

One best way to attract traffic for your blog is by adding the social sharing buttons of like and share. Through this, hundreds of people will come to read your blog when you share your posts.

41.Blog Directories

Blog Directories assist in directing huge amount of traffic to newly turned bloggers and hence it adds to the publicizing of your blog.

42. Website directories

By sharing your articles to website directories you can get traffic.

43. Use Article Directories

People also get to know about your blog when you submit your posts to Article Directories.

44. Write on controversial topics

Diplomatic statements and controversial topics always help in achieving traffic for your writings. Writing on famous controversies like Steve Jobs, Facebook Timeline, etc can be very effective for your blog’s marketing.

45. Attack Google or any big company:

Once you hit your target of getting enough traffic to be talked about after one big hit article, all you got to do is keep moving with that flow as big platforms like Google is bound to cover for your blog already!
If you want to upgrade your blog rankings, then getting yourself enlisted in DMOZ, a google-affiliated directory that improve your blog rankings in various search engines and you can earn huge traffic.

46. Tags – the most important:

Having a tag is extremely crucial for attracting traffic. When you develop tags that are in hand with the tags used by the best search engines, you are bound to get traffic for your blog.

47. yahoo answers:

Being a proactive and a reactive blogger is very important. If you prove to your readers that you are a reliable blogger, your traffic will cease to go elsewhere and you will enjoy blog-loyal traffic permanently.

48. Use Stumbleupon

Remember to posts your articles to Stumbleupon.

49. Blogger Feedbacks on Questions

Compile the various queries that are frequently asked from different bloggers and write them up in one post. That particular post would serve as an added bonus for your readers.

50. Consistency

Earning with a blog on regular basis requires you to work hard consistently too. Its not a matter of a day or a week, in fact, you need to work harder and harder each day to build a strong readership, so much so that your readers start relying on you as an authentic source.
That was all for now, really hope that these tips would do magic for you as they did for Us.


Make Your Blog Popular!

Tips To Make Your Blog Popular!

35 Guru Tips To Make Your Blog Popular!It is true that the decisions you take in a business initially, decide the future of the entire set up. Talking about blogging specifically, there are certain tips that you must know, understanding their significance in boosting your blog’s popularity. It is obvious that once you plan to be a blogger, you look forward to a huge traffic following you along with a considerably great revenue been generated. However, what makes your blog a hit is your attitude towards adopting the basic requirements of this domain. The Tips might differ person to person, but after researching for days and days about what were the magic ingredients that professional bloggers added in their blogs that are earning in Billions today, Here is a list of 35 Must follow tips that you need to add in your blogging career.

1) Attractive Blog Name

Choose an eye-catching blog name that makes sense enough to let people know about your domain and follow it.

2) Blog Layout

The better the blog layout would be, the more traffic it would attract. Keep background colors light, giving it a decent look? Make things easier to understand for your readers.

3) An Exclusive Logo

You have chosen blogging as your business, right? You need to have an exclusive logo that will become your blog’s identity.

4) Post Regularly

Good Blogs show regularity in posting their articles. This keeps your visitor attached to you and ensures consistent traffic.

5) Share Quality Content

There are thousands of sites having same niche as yours, what makes you better than them is the quality content. Give your writing, your own shade with an interesting touch.

6) Post Length

what is the ideal post lengthAn ideal length of a post is in between 700- 1500 words, depending on the nature of post. Do not write lesser than 700, as Google penalize blogs for that severely. The post can be as long as you wish to, but lengthy posts make readers lose their interest in it.

7) Choose a Good Intro Image

An effective, self-explanatory image is essential for your post to become a hit. Choose high quality, relevant images.

8) Your own Screenshots Only

Many bloggers copy paste images in tutorial posts, which is a disaster thing to do. Always use your own screenshots while telling your viewers how to do something. This increases your credibility.

9) Recheck Your post

Being a human, it’s natural to make mistakes while typing. Check your articles before publishing for grammatical and spelling mistakes. This is what we call proofreading.

10) Easy navigation

Keep your blog simple for your visitors, providing them a simple navigation on your blog.

11) Show Your Creativity

Having many blogs in same niche, you need to add your creativity in your articles so that it takes you a level ahead than other bloggers.

12) Keep your Readers Involved

It is interrelated to point 11, the more creative you’d be, and the more interest your readers would show in your articles, decreasing the bounce rate of your blog.

13) Interact with your Readers

Keep a check of all the comments made by your visitors. Appreciate them for staying connected and answer their queries, if any.

14) Comment on other blogs

It’s no more a matter of prestige; you need to mingle well within other social circles to increase your traffic. Visit different blogs and tell on that platform about your existence.

15) Get Advertisements

In order to survive, getting advertisements is necessary. Use Google adwords to earn via pay per click advertising options.

16) List posts

This is what we have been doing on SEM, create list posts, it brings huge traffic!

17) Contests

Value your readers always. Start contests, polls and such activities on your blog to keep your readers active.

18) RSS feeds

rssAlways give an option on your blog to get subscribed via mails. People who are busy to visit your blog daily, can subscribe for its RSS feeds and can still stay connected.

19) Newsletter

Issue monthly newspapers to your visitors; sharing all the latest happenings on the blog with them.

20) Write SEO Friendly Content

Researching on how to write a SEO friendly article can really help in making your blog popular.

21) Make Your Blog your Identity

I’m sure all of you are well aware of e-mail signature. Write your blog name and url of your blog in email signatures.

22) Correct Your Fellow Bloggers

Be a good observer on different blogs and let the owner know about any mistake or error that might occur on a blog. Keep your tone polite and do not try to act smart.

23) Share on Facebook

Sharing your posts on Facebook Groups and Pages can make your posts, a hit. 

24) Share it on Twitter

Twitter is a great social networking site to attract traffic from western countries. Majority of the users are from west and publicizing your post in twitter can attract those users to become your readers.

25) Allow Links in Comments

The real bloggers have actually got no interest in coming to your blog all the way and read your articles only out of good will. In fact, they are themselves looking for opportunities on your blog to introduce their work. Allowing bloggers to leave their links in their comments will give them a reason to come to your blog again and again, increasing your traffic.

26) Maintain decency

It is a pity that sometimes bloggers fail badly to respect their profession and use their blog more than an informative platform and use it unethically. As a blogger, you need to earn some respect through the way you address your readers, and its only then that people actually start respecting your blog.

27)Use Keywords

Using keywords in your posts keeps you and Search engines happy at the same time. Always try to play with keywords of the post to get more page views, further increasing your earnings.

28) Give Value to your Headlines

Your selection for titles of the post is the most important thing when it comes to your creativity. This was one of those things that I used to find really difficult, initially. Your readers Judge the entire post with the title; always try to keep simple and straight forward titles.

29) Keep Updating the Blog

If you aim high for your blog and do not want it to become outdated just like iGoogle, then keep upgrading it to ensure that your blog meets up the changing demands of readers. Changing blog design once in six months can also be a good decision.

30) Keep Drafts ready

As a blogger its your responsibility to ensure the regular posting on your blog. However as blogging is an entrepreneurship business, where you are answerable to nobody, there are wide chances that you might skip your postings due to some other engagements. Therefore keep your 5 posts saved in drafts at minimum always. Make sure that the posts you choose to save as drafts have a timeless effect in them, the posts that can be published in all scenarios, like How-to posts, Best tips, etc.

31) Easy to read Fonts.

Blogs owning a lucida Handwriting font might give it an unprofessional look for sure. Keep your Font style and size readable for your readers.

32) Give a strong competition

There is always an unsaid war going on in between you and bloggers, writing for same niche. Try to give a tough time to them with your skills that are needed to be polished further with your each post!

33) Set an Inspiration

Having an inspiration in life is really a motivating thing and if you have no ideal personalities, then better start searching them. Reading about great people, here, blogs will always create a feeling to follow similar footsteps to reach on similar levels of success.

34) Be Yourself

This tip is given by almost all the bloggers who share tutorials on similar topics, that is the reason; I have listed this too common tip here. Being yourself mean that you should never place a wrong impact on your readers about either you or your knowledge. Become the master of your domain and do not fake about things you hardly know!

35) Never Give Up

Your one post cannot decide about your efficiency, it is just like some days are not meant for you. As a blogger, I m a living witness of it! What happen actually is the frequency of your readers and yours do not match at times; your readers, having a complete freedom of speech do not think once giving you a bad comment. But this is the point you need to check your post views. The post itself made it in attracting enough traffic that few of them dislike it. Although that feeling is pathetic, still keep your spirits high and start working on the next post, hoping to have some better results. You will see, soon things will start working out.
That was all for now, hope that these tips turn out to beneficial for you in your blogging career.


Custom Robots Tags

Settings For "Custom Robots Tags" Inside Post Editor

custom robots tags in bloggerBlogger just added Custom robots header tags to post editor. One of the features of search preferences was robots.txt and Robots tags which could be set only for homepage, archives, posts and pages. But now you can edit these settings even for individual posts and pages right from BlogSpot post editor. Unlike Meta Description, Custom Robots Header tags are not visible and are not shown if you try to check  it by viewing the browser source file for your blog. You will only see Meta Description if you have added the dynamic code. We will learn today where are robots tags added in your templates and how can you view them. Lets first find and locate these Robots header tags.

Why Can't You See Robots Tags?

If you have applied custom robots flags by following the tutorial for Search Preferences, then you would have observed that you don't see any flag appearing when you view the source file of your blog. This is because that these flags can be seen only in the HTTP header fields. Google now accepts robots tags which are directly added to the Headers of the HTML Page.

Settings For Custom Robots Tags Headers

To see header tags in post header you must first activate the custom headers. If you have not yet activated then follow these steps. Go to Settings | Search Preferences, click Edit next to "Custom robots header tags," and select Yes. Activated Successfully!
Now you must learn when should you use them. Using them correctly can help you rank better and using them at wrong scenarios can surely play the opposite.
Tag Meaning
all There are no restrictions for indexing or serving. This is default for all pages
noindex Do not show this page in search results and do not show a "Cached" link in search results.
nofollow Do not follow the links on this page
none Equivalent to noindex, nofollow
noarchive Do not show a "Cached" link in search results.
nosnippet Do not show a snippet in the search results for this page
noodp Do not use metadata from the Open Directory project (DMOZ) for titles or snippets shown for this page.
notranslate Do not offer translation of this page in other languages in search results.
noimageindex Do not index images on this page.
unavailable_after: [RFC-850 date/time] Do not show this page in search results after the specified date/time. The date/time must be specified in the RFC 850 format. Example: 17 May 2012 15:00:00 PST
The only tags which you should focus on are noimageindex, noindex and nofollow. Rest are just not required for a small scale blog. All of these tags are useful when you have a corporate blog or website with thousands of pages or even millions of pages. They help to control how search engines may crawl your content.
When to use noimageindex ?
If you are sharing personal or family pictures on any of your posts or page then may be you would prefer not to make those pictures public and keep them limited to readers reach only. In such case you may check this option and robots will be directed not to index the pics or images used inside the post.
When to use noindex?
Any page or post that you want to hide from robots and visitors can be tagged as noindex. Visitors wont be able to discover that page via search engines or may be even with the Google Custom Search Engine.
You can even noindex post or pages that you think will effect your search ranking. Google Panda Effects all those blogs which publishes low quality content. If you feel any of your post is just for entertainment purpose and does not relate to your niche then you can simply choose the noindex option from Header Tags.
When to use nofollow?
If you are creating a useful directory of 100 or more links that all point to some external websites and you don't want to pass your PageRank juice to them then you can choose the nofollow header tag.
If you are looking for when to nofollow links then read this tutorial:


Blogger Widgets